Wassup ya'll! I hope that whoever sees this I pray that it puts a smile on your face and that you'd be interested in writing me after reading my words. That's if I didn't hook you with my handsome pictures already lol let me tell you a little bit about me. I was born in Forth Worth, Texas, my name is John but I go by JT. My birthday is 9/12/1995, I'm 29 years old and a Virgo. If that means anything to ya'll because you know what they say about Virgos, we're slow to fall in love and that's only because we like to take our time and really get to know a person By paying attention to the details. However, I do to fall in love and be loved but just not with anybody. So if you're that special someone, then maybe we can build a friendship that will eventually turn into real love. If not, I'm just cool with Friendship. Prison is depressing, stressful and really lonely. This is why I'm seeking a pen pal because I'm tired of being lonely, depressed and stressed out. So if you write me, just know that I'm 100% worth it. I'm willing to write anyone and everyone, I'm not picky. Just make sure you're not about drama because that's what got me in prison in the first place and I'm done with that life. Well until I hear from you, be blessed and take care, because I care.